Are you an amateur or professional athlete or just a weekend warrior?
Would you like to know how to therapeutically prevent injuries, increase flexibility, speed up muscle recovery and enhance your performance without medication?
If so, then our Fusion4AthletesTM Sports Massage may be for you!
Tough workouts are required for peak performance, but the metabolic waste produced congests muscles and causes burning, tightness, knots, and eventually pain. There are many solutions like rest, ice, cryotherapy, NormaTec compression boots, chiropractor adjustments, physical therapy, and massage that provide excellent relief. We find that combining several therapies in a targeted way to be most effective, and recovery in 24 hours!
Fusion4AthletesTM is an athletic medical massage developed, by our founder Jim Wissing. Using a combination of sauna, compression boots, our own MAX Recovery Spray with essential oils, and special massage techniques we will take you from recovery to muscle restoration, deep cleaning and lengthening damaged muscles.
This innovative method balance muscle physiology, enhances the delivery of vital oxygen and nutrients to your body’s tissues, speeds up the removal of wastes and toxins, and replaces fatigue with energy with 240 min. of Effective Therapy and recovery within 24-hrs out of each 60-min. session.
Our athletes often say that regular Fusion4AthletesTM massages improve their game thanks to improved flexibility, range of motion, faster muscle recovery, and pain-free movement. Even their toughest workouts have no “burn”!
If you want significant lasting results,
What our customers are saying
"Facing knee surgery, barely being able to walk, and had no help with other therapies, Fusion4Athletes got rid of my pain and I qualified for the Pickle-Ball Nationals!" SK
"I know I cannot perform at this level without Fusion4Athletes!" MB, IronMan
"Facing my gymnastics state tournament and about to quit my pain was so bad, I finished first overall 3 of the last 4 years." ER

Are you looking for a way to increase your team's endurance and enhance their performance?
Would you like to have a program designed specifically for your team?
We can bring the Fusion4AthletesTM Sports Massage program to your team. Call 440-584-0248 to schedule a FREE, no-obligation-consultation with our founder Jim Wissing. Jim will:
Visit you and review your goals and facility.
Develop a custom program to implement Fusion4AthletesTM and seamlessly integrate workflow with your staff and medical professionals.
Implement and oversee the program.
Provide you and your team with support and training.
We also have team sessions available for your convenience. Four teams of four massage therapists working on each athlete gives 16 athletes 2 hour massages in just 30 minutes! This is a real game-changer because they are fresh to start the week’s practice and are revitalized for the game.
(Note: Four-handed massage must be synchronized so the athlete is not disoriented.)
Set up a consultation with Jim Wissing, Founder/Owner
Fusion4Athletes OxiFusion / 18660 Bagley Rd, Bldg #2 Room 304, Middleburg Heights, OH 44130 / 440-584-0248